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Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, 
the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said,
إنها ستأتي على الناس سنون خداعة يصدق فيها الكاذب ويكذب فيها الصادق ويؤتمن فيها الخائن ويخون فيها الأمين وينطق فيها الرويبضة قيل وما الرويبضة قال السفيه يتكلم في أمر العامة
"Truly will come to man years of deceit. The liar is believed while honest people are considered to lie. Traitor was given the mandate, while the mandate of the people accused of treasonous. And at that moment, the Ruwaibidhah began to speak. Some people are asking, 'Who is it Ruwaibidhah?' He replied, 'Those morons talk about the affairs of many (people). "(HR. Ahmad, Sheikh Ahmad Shakir his ta'liq in Musnad Ahmad to declare and honor his isnaad hasan Saheeh. Shaykh Al-Albani also download it in saheeh al-Shahihah no. 1887)

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